Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

Aku, Mahasiswa semester old, who is trying to finish my "Skripsweet"

Selamat Pagi...
Good Morning...

Yep, today I'm in the last of 8th semester. Im trying to finish my "skripsi". I have so many to do list on my note book and one of them is graduate very soon from this undergraduate degree. Im pretty know that none of us dont wanna graduate from their studies, but we have our own ways to finish it. Some people got difficulties in finishing their studies and the other may be easy to graduate. Well I think that statement before is not correct, I do believe that each of us has our own struggles. The stuggles not alwats come from the lecturers who have their own business or our ideas arent suitable with them yet. But those struggles may come from you your self too. Im facing it now! Im getting lazy and lazy, day by day. I do useless thing instead of finish my writing.

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

Past is past

"Untuk 'Arka'*ku"

Sekarang aku tau kenapa Tuhan tidak mendekatkan ku denganmu
Sekarang aku paham kenapa Tuhan tidak menjadikan kita dekat
Sekarang aku mengerti alasan Tuhan membuat jarak antara aku dengan dirimu
Sekarang aku menyadari kenapa susah untukmu membuka hati untuk ku

Sekarang aku sadar
Aku sadar
Benar-benar sadar
Bahwasanya aku memang tidak sepantas itu untuk bersamamu

'Kamu' adalah satu-satunya yang mengisi dunia khayalku dulu
'Kamu' satu-satunya yang aku pandangi dulu
'Kamu' satu-satunya yang aku harapkan untuk menjadi seseorang yang akan mengucap janji suci denganku dulu

Iyaaa... Duluu... Saat aku belum memutuskan untuk menyudahi penantianku
Menyudahi mencintai dalam diam dan 'memaksa' Tuhan untuk menjodohkanmu denganku lewat bait-bait doa dalam tiap sujudku
Maaf, karena aku yang lelah berdoa hingga berpaling kepada yang lain
Maaf, karena aku tak lagi menyebut namamu dalam bait doaku
Maaf, karena akhirnya aku tak lagi memaksa Tuhan untuk menjodohkanmu denganku

Kamu adalah Arka*ku
Yang dulu ku cintai dalam diam di masa putih biru dan putih abu-abuku
Sekarang aku berdoa supaya kamu bahagia

Arka: salah satu tokoh di webtoon matahari setengah lingkar

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017

First Experience become a Teacher

It has been a long day not updating this blog. After a month having a hibernation lying on my bed and doing nothing and here I am doing Magang 3 in SMA Al-Islam 1 Ska.
This morning, October 2nd, 2017 was my first experience in teaching the students. Half of my self feels so happy, finally I did the real job of Magang 3, but the other half feels so depressed. As one of the students of teacher training and education faculty who doesn't wanna be a teacher, this program is really hard.  I donl not know, why it is so difficult for me to handle the students, just expecting whether the problems came from me or the them.  I realize that I am the one who does not have a good public speaking. Well..  That is why sometimes I regret my choice for choosing this major as my subject. But, now I am at the seventh semester, regreting those kind of annoying things is useless.
Trying to find the solution of my problem, just trying. Hopefully, during this Magang 3, my public speaking will be better ❤

Surakarta, October 2nd, 2017.

Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

KKN Life ❤

Lama tak bersua dengan blog karena sedang sibuk kkn hehe.
Ah... Time flies too fast 
It's almost done and I'll be very damn sad,  because it will be difficult to meet my kkn mates again. We will have our own business after this program. I'll miss Mela who always sleep with me and have a pillow talk (?) with her is the most interesting time,. Then, Dea, she is unpredictable friend. At the first, I expect that she will be selfish person but the fact shows that she is beyond my expectation. She is an inspiring person and I love to have a conversation with her, she always shares about her dreams, her motivations. Of course, her stories make me inspired and motivate me to do better and work harder. The third is Setia, she is a logic girl, she is a kind girl. I love to have a conversation with her too, from her I learnt how to treat a young learners. She said that she is not kids lover, but she is bery talented in handling our young students. 

p.s: those words above wrote at the middle of kkn time, and today I continue to write this post... let's write he he. Fyi, in this post I use English and Indonesian,cause I'm not good enough writing in English ha ha

 Well... the picture above was taken in front of Pendopo Desa Kembang with Pak Untung and the staffs. It feels like yesterday morning we took this picture, but this picture was taken a month ago. 
There are so much memories we made during KKN, of course, not only good memories but the bad too. Both of them would be memorable for me. I'm not good enough in expressing my feeling into words,pardon me if this note is annoying for your eyes.... haha.
 Tonight, I miss my kkn mates so much, haha..... emm... before I tell you about my feeling, let me introduce my kkn mates :)
The First is, Mela (Sometimes, I call her 'Meli'), banyak sih yang mau diceritain tentang dia. She is the most patient in our tream, orang tersantai yang pernah ada. Since the first time I met her in Technic Facult Hall, I have a feeling ini orang sumpah santai banget hidupnya, dan ternya benar haha. Dia adalah temen bobo selama KKN, mau di kasur yang empuk di kamar cewek, kasur yang ga berasa empuk di kamar cowok, maupun dilantai depan kamar. I love to ndusel-dusel to her when I felt very cool. Dia adalah sesama anggota PGI *well I'll tell you what PGI is at the next point*, kalau ada bahan gibah tanpa harus mengatakan pasti udah sama tau haha, paling seneng kalo diajakin Mela ke solo beli bibit haha, lumayan bisa dapet hawa kota, Fyi, Kembang is located near the Merbabu Mountain. Dibalik dia yang santai, she is a strong woman. You know... she never told her pain to other, she'll keep her pain just for herself. Dan sumpah aku belajar hal itu dari dia mulai dari sekarang, ALso, Dia adalah orang yang paling  logic when we wanna solve a problem in our team. Although, she is younger than me, sumpah ga percaya kalau dia baru 20 tahun -_- , it means that kita beda usia 2 tahun wkwk. 
The next is Nurdiani, minta dipanggil Dea ga mau dipanggil Nur. The busiest person ever, yang ga pernah datang rapat dan menjadi bahan gibah beberapa anak di tim haha. She has a dream, that is to lost her weight at least 11 kg, tapi hobbynya ngemil :(
Pertama ketemu sama Dea itu punya kesan yang negatif haha, I think she is a selfish girl. But the fact shows me that dia sama gilanya wkwk. Kalau boleh jujur She is Inspiring girl dengan segudang prestasinya and she is beyond my expectation :) Dari pengamatanku selama kurang lebih 40 hari, dia adalah seorang yang mandiri banget, baqoooh banget lah pokoknya sampe di jadiin sandaran buat 'Mas Korea Lover' aja dia kuat :( 
Dia ga pernah diem, pasti ada aja yang dikerjain, eh pernah diem ding pas vertigo wkwk. fyi, dea ga makan nasi tapi makan ati wkwk *bertjanda haha. Dea punya cita-cita buat kurus makanya ga makan nasi sekalinya makan nasi goreng buatan lek Narti *yang enaknya minta ampun* langsung vertigo haha. Dan lagi dia orang yang paling hobby bilang pingin rabi but she has no boyfriend, everything she talks always related to RABI at the end .
Upss. . I'm forget to tell about PGI haha, Okay I'll tell you what PGI is. Dea is the leader of PGI, kalo udah gibah sama PGI pasti betah, dari ngomongin yang suka dibeliin nyam-nyam, tidur dipangkuan, dan yang lainnya lah yaa wkwk. Udah ah ngomongin Dea ga ada habisnya wkwk mau ganti ke temen yang selanjutnya 
Setia, She is the ATT of PGI *lol. Salah satu topik gibahan PGI adalah kisahnya wkwk, mulai dari awal masih ngomongin mantan sampai akhirnya udah ganti topik haha. Sebenernya dia salah satu manusia sibuk juga dengan tanggung jawab yang dia punya sebagai SC PKKMB FH. Dia adalah seseorang yang nulis kalo dia insom but the fact dia bangun paling akhir haha. Pernah pulang ke Solo bareng dan di jalan aku ngajakin dia ngobrol terus, mencegah biar dia ga tidur haha. Although , she is the ATT of PGI tapi dia orang yang  enak kalau diajak ngobrol dan alhamdulillah aku nyambung walau kadang akunya lemot. Setia ga pernah tidur bareng PGI, dia selalu tidur di sofa gara-gara trauma rombongan tikus yang berkunjung ke kamar haha. Oh iyaa... dia paling suka ngajakin mandi bareng, katanya biar enak mandi bareng-bareng, masa kamu mau lihat punyaku padahal suamiku belum lihat :( 
Si MC tetapnya tim KKN Kembang 17 yang bisa dibilang multi talented, she said she is not kid lover but she could handle the kids in TPA or Les. As the education Faculty students, I cant handle the kids like she do haha, yeah every person has her own talent, hasn't she? 
Set, besok kalo udah lulus terus kerja jangan lupa nikah ya :( wkwkw, kamu harus sering bergaul sama Deya biar inget kalo RABI is Important!  Dan lagi kamu harus rajin mandi ya , mandi sama pentingnya kok dengan RABI :))
Then, the fourth is Decky. He is the leader of KKN Kembang '17. He is the youngest in our team. Dia orang yang penurut pake banget tapi kalo udah bete the Posko's weather gonna as cool as the North Pole. So, better for us to avoid him when he is on a bad mood. Actually, he has a moodboster, that is the third person that I described in this note wkwk. Decky juga jadi bahan gibahnya PGI dengan skandalnya yang pernah tertoreh. Sesosok yang kadar keponya maksimal, and when  I asked to him why he is so curious then he answered that kepo is care! If he decided to stop to be kepo means that he did not care anymore! 
Something Im gonna miss from Posko is the way he wakes us up in every morning, that is "Mela... Astri.. tangi... tangi .. tangi" haha. Also, his idiosyncrasy "Ngopo to cah.. Ngopo? ... Mbok dikandani to" wkwkw
As the leader of us, you have done great job, Deck! Walaupun kadang kamu lemot dan harus dijelasin pelan-pelan :(
Dia yang kalau curhat harus dipancing dulu baru keluar semua uneg-unegnya, He who always wears hotpants kiwir-kiwir kalau di posko padahal dinginnya sampai menusuk ke perasaan, kalo pakai parfume sebotol buat sekali pakai :(
Dika... Emm sebagia sesama ELF (?) aku senang akhirnya menemukan ELF di UNS walaupun kamu sukanya cuma sama Yesung, but at least If I talk about SuJu there is someone who knows what SuJu is :))
Kamu yang awalnya diam dan hemat suara,  hingga pada suatu hari there is something made you show us the real you wkwk
Sumpah kaget banget waktu itu kamu tiba-tiba emosi gitu haha
Pas awal lihat daftar tim di web lppm terus baca namamu yang ku kira laki-laki haha, sempet heran punya alergi dingin kok daftar KKN di Boyolali dan hingga akhirnya alergimu kambuh terus kamu punya hobby baru yaitu garuk-garuk :))
Yang bilangnya ga suka makan tapi jajannya sumpah banyak pake banget -_-
Dik, jangan galak-galak lagi ya, aku takut :))
Irfan, Orang tergalau di posko, kalau udah menyangkut satu makhluk yang mengisi hatinya pasti langsung moodnya berubah. Yang pernah khilaf sama salah satu anggota wkwk, yang sukanya beliin nyam-nyam tapi cuma buat satu orang aja, you known lah ya siapa :)))
Si pecinta lele goreng, udah ke warung seafood mesennya tetep lele goreng wkwk
yang barang bawaannya udah mirip indom*ret, apa aja ada, belum lagi bajunya beuuuuh lebih banyak dari bawaanku. Mau  nyari apa aja di dia pasti ada yang ga ada cuma jodoh :))
Kalau dia udah badmood bakalan diem terus mengurung diri di kamar, punya hobby nge-cover lagu sama main sulap. Jadi, kamu mau jadi apa Fan? Magician apa Singer atau Her future husband?
Meli sering manggil irfan dengan 'princess' karena kalau keringetan dikit dia pasti pakai kertas minya yang buat wajah *alah mbuh I dont know the name of that thing since I never buy that* Cie yang sekarang ngedate terus with his lovely pacar, Best wishes for your relationship ya Fan, jangan khilaf lagi :((
Ais. Temen dari satu fakultas yang playlistnya lagu dangdut semua :( Dia Pantura banget sumpeh ....!
Kalau sama orang gede galak tapi adek-adek les &tpa ngefans dia bamget wkwk
Ais yang mendadak punya alergi dingin dan hobby garuk-garuk kaki sama tangan juga, yang kena hipo pas pulang dari Alun-alun dan sukses membuat kita ketakutan if there was something wrong with you, besok cari suami yang hobby meluk ya is, biar kalo dingin enak he he. Semenjak saat ais kena hipo kita ga pernah main malem lagi wqwq. Ais juga pernah jatuh dari motor. Pokoknya dia anah-aneh aja lah kejadiannya wkwkk
KAsian sih tapi kalau inget malah ketawa :( Sorry is :))
Rudi, Mahasiswa UNS dari kampus cabang Kebumen. Kamu jadinya uns apa unk (universitas negeri KEbumen) ? Yang harusnya dia ngapak tapi kok faktanya malah ngapakan aku ya, Rud :(
PErtama kali berfikir dia itu orang yang pendiem, alim, dan kalem. But the reality you are totally not tha kind of lists, Rud. Kelihatan aslinya kalo udah main Uno. Yang udah punya pacar tapi belum punya mantan, katanya soon gitu ya Rud punya mantan? hahaha *bertjanda~
Rudi, mukanya cocok buat jadi pak guru SD udah sama lah pokoknya haha
Doa ku buat kamu rud, semoga ga khilaf gitu aja haha!

Well... it's gonna be long story if I continue to descrieb each of the member in our team. I think it's enough for this time, I'll continue to write about my kkn mates next time. Guys. I learnt so much things from you, I hope our friendship is not stop at this time but I hope it has no ending.
Once again, pardon me if this not is annoying for your eyes :))

Minggu, 30 April 2017

CAR 10

Güneṣ, Ayṣenur., & Güneṣ, Fatih. (2014). Teaching critical reading in school and associate with education. Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries, 4: 961-966.

The purpose of this tsudy is to know the contribution of critical reading ability to the students education life. in this article, the esearcer stated that the critical reading has close relation with some activities, such as thinking, critique, questioning, writing, and curiouity of the students. Also, the reseracher mentions that every reader has their own purpose in reading.
In this study, the researchers stated that there are sme factors why the students cannot be the critical reader. The first is the students reading skill did not develop, it can be caused of the education system in that country who did not support the students to develop their reading ability. The second is the students just read the text without comprehended the text, so they get nithing from the reading activity.
The researcher just compare two kinds of students, the student who has good reading ability and able to think critically and the other is the student who did not have the reading ability and also lack of critical thinking. Actually, the researcher just give suggestion and it seesm like they did not practice it into their classroom. This article just told us about the observation research.
I do agree with this article that having good reading ability, critical reading, and critical thinking is good for our students. however, to develop those skills is not as easy as it seen. The teacher must choose the suitable strategy for her students. For my future classroom, I will do observation first before I conducting a strategy into my classroom. I will tell my students that having a good reading abilit is important for their life.

CCU 10